The SEETS Method by Ecom Solutions — My Honest Review

Kalin Angelov
5 min readFeb 17, 2022


Does it really discovers 1000s of untapped niches and products? Are they really hot products?

Did you ever struggle with finding profitable wholesale items and suppliers on Amazon? My presumption is — YES! Of course you had such issues and I don’t blame you at all. First of all let me tell you my story of how I started selling on Amazon. It was 2014 and I had no idea what ecommerce was, so I followed the trend for that time and started dropshipping. I was very surprised how easy it was and how low the competition was, not to mention the profit margins which were anywhere from 50% to 100%, something that can not happen anytime soon. Anyway it started slow, but in the next few years it became a real monster, I had a money making machine, but I bet now you are guessing that it was becoming more and more challenging, considering many factors, like competition, scam artists doing nasty things to the customers, like sending counterfeit items or not sending anything at all. Then many brands decided that their items can not be sold without authorization or a valid supply chain and they started pushing amazon for that. Therefore dropshipping business model became against Amazon selling policy and the things for me and for many other sellers(dropshippers) became extremely hard. Yeah, many people could not sleep at night because of that. However I survived one more year, providing excellent customer service and trying to hide the fact I was dropshipping. Unfortunately my time came and I received my suspension right on Christmas. It was the most disgusting Holidays I ever had. It took 1 year of many sweat and tears dealing with Amazon, but finally they decided to reinstate my account. They said I deserve a second chance, wow couldn’t be more surprised.

What next? Dropshipping — NADA, it was obvious that I had to start Amazon FBA, but somehow that Online/Retail Arbitrage was not very appealing to me since it was almost the same as the dropshipping method. I really wanted to start a wholesale FBA, I thought the model is solid and will do for me. It really looks awesome, but the reality is completely different. Let me briefly explain to you the struggles that every Amazon FBA wholesale seller has. TIME! You have to make relationships (create accounts and get approved) with many wholesalers, sometimes it may take weeks to be approved to sell their products. Most of them don’t have any kind of pricelist or catalog, you have to do it all manually which can take forever to find a profitable item. In case you find some, you may be gated on Amazon for it, meaning you have to deal with an ungating procedure in order to be able to list it. They might be even out of stock for the profitable item you spent hours to find, sounds bad right? And it is. Another struggle a seller might have is having to have a warehouse to receive the products purchased from the wholesalers which can be costly for your business especially if it is small, the other option is to subscribe to a so called “Prep Center”, it is a cost efficient way but be prepared for prices starting $1 per item prepared.

So far it didn’t sound promising at all until I discovered The SEETS Method by Ecom Solutions. But what is The SEETS method you may ask, well in my understanding is some kind of complete solution for Amazon Wholesale Sellers. It is a whole inventory management, sourcing and preparing system in one. It is far more complex than that or in other words it is is everything you need to start and sustain Amazon Wholesale FBA business without doing almost nothing. This program combines the best of many softwares for Amazon, such as Inventory Lab and Tactical Arbitrage. It is best to know your numbers and as for Amazon it is a numbers game. You are always on track of which products are making you the most money and which not. Literally it is Amazing. The sourcing part of the software is similar to OAXRAY or Tactical Arbitrage, but with the huge difference that it aggregates a huge number of wholesalers at once and you can pick only the most profitable winners.

Note: at the time of the screenshot the software found 973 products with best sellers rank under 10 000 that has profit of at least $1. That are products with a potential of tens to hundreds of sales per day.

Now let’s see if we can find items with maximum price of $4 and minimum prfit of $3, that is at least 75% ROI, for the example we moved the best seller rank to 100000 to show some more reasonable results. You can see the picture below and decide for your self. The results are ridiculous!

You can give it a try, click here!

Another perk of the program is the Prep Service they offer. It’s free, yes it’ FREE for The SEETS Method members. Imagine having thousands of inventory coming in and out, what expense it will be otherwise and on top of that they take care of your shipping plans. The system is fully automated, the only job you will have is to pick the winners and pay for them of course, oh forgot to mention that you are invoiced after your order ships from the wholesaler, which is a huge cash flow saver. The other astronomical perk included to the SEETS Method, is the ungating service they are offering. Unlike many other companies offering the same, but with invoices with unclear origin, they do it very successfully the traditional way for free, you just order the 10 units required by Amazon.

In conclusion I can only recommend The SEETS Method by Ecom Solutions anytime anywhere. You can not imagine what they have here and the best thing is that they are evolving, like adding more and more wholesalers to expand their catalog, Walmart Marketplace is very likely to be supported soon.

You can give it a try, click here!

Disclaimer: This article contains affiliate links, which if you purchase something from them I will earn comission at no additional cost for you.



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